11/10/2022 - Latest news and prices
Hi all,
We hope you are all doing ok and are preparing yourself for the next few months. We have halloween coming up soon, black friday next month and christmas after this so we will be offering plenty of discounts over this period.
At the same time, a lot of you may be aware that as a country (the UK), we have been having some difficult financial times and this has been hitting us hard as a small business. We had plenty of growth over the last 18 months, hiring our first few members of staff, moving to a new premises, installing a new floor ourselves at the warehouse and trying to deal with the growth, all of which have been very challenging for us.
Recently with the drop in value of the GBP against other currencies which has been happening since April and increasing living costs, we have bunkered down for a tough few months ahead. Unfortunately this has meant that we have had to increase our prices alongside most other businesses during this period.
We try to reamin as competitive as possible but at the same time we need to cover our costs too.
On a brighter note, our small workshop at the unit is almost fully completed and Tom from TS Creations will be joining us on a more regular basis which is very exciting for us. This means etching, weathering and other custom jobs will become much easier to arrange, in turn, decreasing our turn around time on custom jobs and providing us with the oppertunity to offer a wider range of customisation to your sabers.
We have also been contacting sound font creators and are currently talking to a few to try and arrange some cutoms fonts exclusive to us.
Finally we want to say a continued thank you to all of you who have been supporting us. Without your support we are unable to do what we do, so thanks!
ES Sabers
(James, Dan and the team)